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About Me

Well how did this all get started? Well it probably truly started the day I got my iPhone I was instantly hooked. I started downloading app after app faster than I could even try them. Soon after that I jailbroke my iPhone which opened up a whole new array of apps and mods there was no stopping the downloads now. I then took up the mission of finding the absolutely bests apps for my phone so I continued to download as many apps as I could find. Eventually I was out at lunch with a friend(Scott) and at some point during the meeting we both pulled out our iPhones and started comparing apps. He was surprised by how many apps I had and by how good the apps I had found were. As we talked he suggested I share what I had learned with others some how. That got me thinking and I came up with the idea to build this website dedicated to finding the best of the best in the Appstore. Finally a few weeks later with some motivation from another friend(Michael) one night I decided to make it actually happen. Now here we are and my goal is as I stated before I want to sift through the appstore so you don’t have to and provide you with the Best of the Best. On my site you will find:

An App of the Day

Updates on Apps that Go on Sale(we all wanna save a buck!)

Updates on Newly Released Apps

Video Demos & Reviews

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or thoughts you have!!

If you are on any of the following social networks you should add me!

Facebook: EdsiPhoneApps


Twitter: edsiphoneapps


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